Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Snowy & Dotty

Bobo gave birth to 2 kits on 2 February 2013. Welcome Snowy and Dotty!!

Kids having fun with 12 days old Snowy and Dotty


how adorable : )


Harvesting Four Angled Beans

Home grown kacang botol...

10 March 2013...being LOVED and BLESSED! i love you too...

Recipe: 金瓜糕, Steamed Pumpkin Cake

Perfect amount of recommended ingredients! Thanks mom. This is exactly what I wanted!!! Hmmmm ... yummy!

To my surprise, my two girls love it so much : )

金瓜糕, Steamed Pumpkin Cake

600-650g pumpkin flesh

  1. steam cubes of pumpkin with high heat for 10-15 mins
  2. mash pumpkin while it is still hot (I like to leave some chunky bits in it)

  • 3 tbsp oil
  • 3 nos dried shitake mushrooms, soaked and diced
  • 3 nos shallots, minced
  • 60g dried shrimps, soaked and coarsely chopped (or 30g dried shrimps + 1 no Chinese sausage)
  • 1/8 tsp of pepper
  • 1/8 tsp of salt
  1. med-high heat, stir fry shallots with oil for 1 min
  2. add in dried shrimps and stir fry until fragrant, about 2 mins
  3. add diced mushrooms, stir fry for another 2-3 mins
  4. add salt and pepper, stir to mix
Flour Mixture:
  • 750ml water (do include water used to soak mushrooms, shrimps and access water from steamed pumpkin)
  • 375g rice flour
  • 25g wheat/tapioca/corn flour
  • 1/2 tbsp sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp salt
  1. In a wok, add water, flour, sugar and salt. Stir to incorporate.
  2. With medium-low heat, keep stirring until it turns goo-ey.
  3. Add mashed pumpkin and fried mushrooms/shallots/dried shrimps.
  4. Stir until it thickens to a paste 
  5. Pour the paste to tray/pan/bowl, steam for 50 mins (high heat)
  • fried shallots
  • spring onion
  • fried dried shrimp (fry dried shrimp with a pinch of salt if you found the steamed pumpkin cake is not salty enough...adjust to your liking)

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